The Sverdlovsk District Court of Belgorod arrested for two months, until November 19, 28-year-old Kaliningrad resident Ilya Chubukov in the case of arson of the Z-installation, Sota reports .

Chubukov was charged with vandalism motivated by political hatred (Part 2 of Article 214 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and illegal possession of explosives (Article 222.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

During the court hearing, the man, as reported by RusNews, said that the deputy head of the police department and other security officials tried to force him to sign a confession. He did not admit his guilt in the crimes charged to him.

The installation in the form of a large luminous letter Z – a symbol of the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine – was set on fire on the evening of September 18. The fire was quickly extinguished and the structure did not suffer serious damage. Two days later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that police and FSB officers detained a suspect – a 28-year-old resident of the Kaliningrad region, against whom a case of vandalism was opened.

According to Chubukov, the next day he was grabbed right on the street in Belgorod by five unknown men. The security forces, without introducing themselves, put him in a car, put a bag over his head and drove him into the forest, beating him periodically. In the forest, he was tortured “for 4-5 hours” with an electric shocker and a gas torch, beaten and threatened to cut off his legs. The man claimed that he was given more than 200 electric shocks and about 50 punches and kicks.

The torturers repeatedly asked the Kaliningrad resident who his curators were. In addition, they put into his hands an object that looked like a hand grenade and a TNT block, which the security forces later found on him during a search. The man denied that they belonged to him.

According to the detainee, the people who tortured him also told him what kind of testimony he should give to the police, and recorded a video of him on a mobile phone. On camera, he had to say “about his reluctance to live in Russia” and that he “has a negative attitude towards the politics and ideology of our state.”

Source : Настоящее Время

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