The IMF mission will work in Warsaw with representatives of Ukraine from March 8 to 15 to discuss the parameters of a potential future program.

Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko stated this on the air of the telethon, Interfax-Ukraine writes .

“There we will agree on the conditions, content, volumes, and the like. Now it is too early to talk about specific details, because there are many issues of the Fund’s internal discussion,” Marchenko said.

According to him, there are “certain contradictions” in the IMF Board of Directors, since not all of the 180 countries support Ukraine.

“Therefore, in order for us to receive full consensus and support, we need to work a little, including within this organization,” the head of the Ministry of Finance said.

He added that the Ukrainian side is actively working on this.

“I think we will find the necessary solutions so that, starting from April, we have a full-fledged program with the Fund,” Marchenko stressed.

According to him, while we are talking about a four-year program, the task of which is to carry out the necessary correction of policies so that Ukraine, which today spends 50% of the budget on military spending, and the remaining 50% financed through the help of partners, after the war reached the level of “more than less” self-sustaining.

“The Fund has not yet put forward unbearable conditions that we cannot fulfill.

We are talking about programmatic, basic things – ensuring monetary and fiscal stability, reducing the level of the budget deficit and ensuring an acceptable level of burden on the budget, as well as good public administration and ensuring the best corporate practices. And we are talking about anti-corruption programs, which were traditionally part of the IMF programs,” the minister explained.

According to him, it is necessary to understand the economic prospects of Ukraine, how to overcome the existing economic phenomena, so some measures can be quite tough, but we are not talking about taxes.

Marchenko specified that the details would be discussed during the mission.

“So far there are no critical reservations that we could not remove or could not discuss. That is, we are moving on a tight schedule, but there is an understanding that the final goal must be achieved and we will have a program,” he summed up.


The International Monetary Fund is ready to provide significant economic support to Ukraine as part of a new full-fledged loan program.

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva on Monday, February 20, was on a visit to Kiev.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgiyeva, who arrived in Kyiv on Monday, February 20.

Ukraine is counting on the start of a new multi-year large program with the IMF in the amount of more than $15 billion.

In Warsaw on Friday, February 17, the Mission of the International Monetary Fund to prepare for the revision of the monitoring program ended – the Fund’s employees and the Ukrainian authorities reached agreements at the staff level. Work continues on the new program.

The International Monetary Fund will complete the preparation of a support program for Ukraine in a few weeks , the plan must be approved by the Fund’s management.

Source: epravda

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